Senin, 13 Juli 2009

hundred hours

with you on your side of the world,and me on mine.

What only makes it bearable is knowing in hundreds hours time.

The same sun that brighten your day.

Is the same sun, which now lights my way.

The same moon light which shines over your head.

Will be the same moon light which creeps into my bed.

Knowing that the stars you see as you close your eyes.

Will soon be filling my evening skies.

The winds that caressed you and blew thru your raven black hair.

Well soon be caring the scent of your body in the air.

my dear I know the tears, which fall from my eyes.

Well soon be the rain drops which fall from my skies.

So you see my dear -if this is true- ,

hundreds hours from now : I will be there with you
march,7 2009

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