Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

culinary adventure!

what a day! today was really great. me and my bestiest decided to do a culinary adventure, but this one special for traditional culinary. finally we went to mayestik (blok m). it needs a big struggle for get there. as you know, me and my bestiest havent a good sense of taking direction. so,when we tried to go to mayestik..we lost in arteri pondok indah. how silly!

and after we arrived,the first one we want to buy was: kue rangi. this is come from betawi and made from sago palm, java's sugar (gula jawa xp), and rice flour. how is the taste?simply delicious. it combined 2kinds of taste : salty and sweety. usually the price is arounf 1000-3000 rupiah. but today we were lied by the seller,and he gave us Rp.5000 per piece.huhu. *stingy mode:on*

then,we bought kue ape. thi is my favourite one since i was kid. i love the shape and its colour which i think very unique (gee,am i too dramatic?). because of this shape,many people called it as 'kue tetek' (well i think i dont have to explain why yaa.hihi) . the taste is really great. the middle part of this cake is very flabby,but the other part is very crunchy. this is made from wheat,sugar,and suji's leaf (that's why this cake has a green colour). it cost rp.500 per piece. how cheap!!

and last we had our lunch by eating: soto mie. soto mie is a mix from risol,mie,tetelan (auch),potato, and tomato. it cost Rp.7000 per bowl. it is really GREAT although the seller use 2 spoons of ajinomoto in there. hell no!!!! hey baaangg,do you know the effect by using too much ajinomoto??it can decrease our inteligent anyway. but who cares? the taste is damn delicious ;).
WE ARE REALLY FULL! and all cost less than rp.30.000. and i started to think, today was absolutely fun..rather than i just hanging out at pacific place. eating pancious, sour sally as it dessert. in mayestik we felt we are really just an ordinary citizen in jakarta who love to eat.
we are able to see many activities,faces,behaviour of many people who coloured jakarta beautifully :)

Selasa, 21 Juli 2009

milliom of expectation

it's the time,i step forward to go. million of hope and expectation join in. although somehow, something called 'tired' come close to me. i am asking to life,is there any happiness which i missed out there and it welcoming me?

and you suddenly fall silent,let me pass it by. without any direction,trace the time. yeah,you still stay in your silent, observing me intently, without mercy-without heart. but i remember the face who take me home.

it's the time,i have to come back. follow the dark way to go home. without a friend, revert to loneliness. i am asking to my self: 'have i got the answer?'. 'yes,maybe later',then i answered.
yes,motionless. you are!. seeing me walking,injured,face the time.. you keep in silent,observing me..i grow distant..far away.

but i remember the face who take me home.
now i know the answer.
i want to go home, with that face..

Selasa, 14 Juli 2009

my mother taught me..

My mother taught me all the good things about life
I sometimes wonder why she never taught me all the bad
My mother taught me how to listen when people talk
I sometimes wonder why she never taught me to make them listen
My mother taught me to read, write and draw
I sometimes wonder why she never taught me to paint
My mother taught me proper table manners
I sometimes wonder why she never taught me to use my hands
My mother taught me how to sew
I sometimes wonder why she never taught me to rip it and throw
My mother taught me how to thank you
I sometimes wonder why she never taught to say: yea okay whatever
My mother taught me to wear long skirts
I sometimes wonder why she never taught me about those minis
My mother taught me about getting along with girls
I sometimes wonder why she never taught me about being wary of boys
My mother taught me to always smile
I sometimes wonder why she never taught me to hold back a tear
My mother taught me how to move on in life
I sometimes wonder why she never taught me how to cherish fond memories

and finally i do really understand that she always teachs me of a train, which full of love,joy,giving,grateful,and dreaming.
can i say any words except : 'i love you mam' ?

Senin, 13 Juli 2009

abang none jakarta utara 2009

'pemilihan abang none'
i do really know that many people still thinking that this is just like an usual beauty-pageant contest. which included by many silly people who want to actualize their self and feel hyper-proud if they can reach a predicate as ABANG or NONE.

ya,gw juga bepikir begitu (sebelumnya)

saat seleksi,gw melihat ratusan anak muda rela ngantri wawancara sampe hampir jam 2 malam..
lalu memang nya apa sih yg mereka cari?dan apa yang gw cari?
jujur,gw juga gak tau apa yg gw cari. sampe akhirnya gw berhasil masuk didalamnya.
saat proses karantina gw bener2 bingung dengan tujuan gw dikontes ini. mau menang?enggak. berkompetisi?enggak. pengen melestarikan budaya betawi?boro-boro.

ya,gw salah satu sample finalis yg mungkin paling sombong. sombong dalam arti gw gak mau meleburkan 100% effort gw dikontes ini.
tapi after all this time. gw sudah sangat mengerti. abang none bukan sekedar kontes kecantikan untuk pijakan seseorang menjadi pemain sinetron, abang none bukan pemilihan konyol yg sok-sok bertameng beauty-brain-behaviour. tapi abang none adalah suatu penyadaran buat gw bahwa aspek-aspek manusia yaitu budaya itu indah. manusia yang menciptakan suatu budaya,tetapi manusia sendiri juga yg meninggalkan budayanya.

basi mungkin,tapi gw menjadi sangat mencintai budaya betawi. budaya yg sangat kaya karena asimilasi dan akulturasinya yg serasi menjadi suatu kesatuan. lucu,tidak monoton,penuh arti,dan pastinya:unik.

selain itu gw belajar banyak dari sosok none. salah satu senior abnon gw pernah bilang,sosok none adalah sosok perempuan muda betawi yg ceria,selalu senyum,cerdas,peduli,dan bisa membawa dirinya dengan baik. well,it sounds gorgeous,right?. gw masih belajar banyak dari sosok none tsb. dari hal yang paling dasar:tersenyum dan peduli :)

tidak ada 'mantan' abang ataupun 'mantan' none, sekali seorang sudah mempunyai predikat itu,itu akan melekat terus. kenapa? karena diharapkan seorang abang none tidak hanya akan menjaga,mencintai,mempromosikan budaya betawi hanya setahun saja sesuai kontrak diatas materai. tetapi untuk waktu yang tidak terhingga. once you love something, it will lasts forever.
dan yang lebih dari itu gw jadi mengenal 15 besar finalis,mahasiswa-mahasiswa berbakat yang punya setumpuk potensial competitive advantage,pintar,cantik,ganteng,good public speaker,dan yang paling penting: mereka semua mempunyai 110% semangat untuk mencintai dan menjaga budayanya.

apakah gw bangga menjadi bagian dari ini?
ya gw bangga. kami semua bangga. karena kami punya kesempatan untuk 'disadarkan' bahwa kami hidup dikota yang mempunyai segudang keunikan dan sejarah yang sangat tidak etis untuk ditinggalkan,bahwa setiap orang punya sesuatu keunggulan bersaing yang sangat berharga untuk diexplore,semakin baik dia mengexplore dirinya dia juga akan lebih bermanfaat untuk orang disekitarnya :)

i find this document back!

i am seeing my old blog and suddenly i started to smile while i read this post. so i decide to 'copy-paste'-ing this post again here :)

Rumit yaa..
Kalo gw inget lagi semua yang pernah ada.

Sakit-senyum-sedih campur aduk.
Mungkin kalo gw flash back lagi gw gak akan pernah bisa ikhlas buat jadi berakhir.
Tapi. Emang bener. Manusia harus belajar buat bilang kata :’cukup’..
Kalo gw bertanya kenapa, sampe sekarang udah berapa lama aja semenjak kejadian itu pertanyaan itu belum bisa,

well, mungkin gak bisa gw jawab.
Tapi for make it simply, gak usah tanya kenapa, tapi apa.
Gw udah dapet jawabannya..

Apa adalah bahagia.

Ternyata bahagia itu bisa terjadi di dalam banyak hal, even the worst one.

Dia selalu bilang kegw:
Kita harus berkorban, butuh proses, waktu, air mata..

Terlalu cepat kalo gw bilang dia orang yg terbaik.
Masih akan banyak orang yg datang trus pergi lagi.
anyway, dia udah banyak nulis cerita2 yang bikin gw senyum2 sendiri kalo diinget beberapa tahun terakhir ini..

Dia membuat gw belajar banyak hal,
belajar buat menyayangi, bersabar, dan untuk meninggalkan.

Dia sempet ada,sampai gw gak bisa meminta lebih lagi..

Setelah semuanya udah terjadi, gw malah ngerasa bersyukur.

Ternyata hidup yang udah Tuhan kasih ke gw itu indaah banget.
Dulu tiap pagi gw bangun gw Cuma langsung ngambil anduk terus mandi.. tapi sekarang pas gw bangun dari tidur, gw selalu langsung minta ke Tuhan mudah2an hari ini bisa jadi hari yang baik buat gw. karena sebenernya:
gw sendiri yang punya otoritas yg menentukan gw mau bahagia,
atau tidak.

Proses-waktu-air mata.
I think i have already face it.
Dan ternyata gw berhasil menemukan akhir yang indah,

sangat indah buat gw jelasin dengan bahasa verbal maupun non-verbal.

Makasih yaa.

Aku sudah bisa melupakan kamu :)

juli 2008

another letter for you

it's been a long time since i wrote my previous letter to you and a long way of saying goodbye.
how are you there?

well, does life still seems quite perfect to you?
within 5 hours ago, i felt that our distance quite near.
i stand alone in front of your outlying district..
yes,suddenly i started to miss you.
serious feeling which i couldnt control,even for a while.
no,you are wrong.this is not that hurts..
the best painful one is when i aware that although our distance just about a kilometer:
i still couldnt have you.
as usual.. you are still become my endless out of reach.
and i started to questioning, maybe it will be nice if i become your stuff.
maybe if i were your black camry,your notebook,or maybe if i were your favourite pen so you will always put me in your pocket.
and then,a guy like you always need a pen,right :).
geez, i want you to need me.
just like you need your pen..can i,dear?

it's a life,i say.. you and i can't see when it ends and starts.
what's left to me to do is to welcome you back homeback to my heart,
because i am your truly home.

it's just a long, long way to say i love you.

now that you know,
you dont need to read this anymore.

i miss you,papa :)

july,7 2009, 7:59 a.m

hundred hours

with you on your side of the world,and me on mine.

What only makes it bearable is knowing in hundreds hours time.

The same sun that brighten your day.

Is the same sun, which now lights my way.

The same moon light which shines over your head.

Will be the same moon light which creeps into my bed.

Knowing that the stars you see as you close your eyes.

Will soon be filling my evening skies.

The winds that caressed you and blew thru your raven black hair.

Well soon be caring the scent of your body in the air.

my dear I know the tears, which fall from my eyes.

Well soon be the rain drops which fall from my skies.

So you see my dear -if this is true- ,

hundreds hours from now : I will be there with you
march,7 2009

before he (really-really) go

" dont be sad,
because you love me too much.
and dont be sad,
because i couldn't replied such a perfect things which you had been given for me.
it's true that i keep shut my mouth up.
because, i couldn't control my tears if i say to you directly:
'you know i love you my dear, i did-i do-i will'
i promise i'll never cry in front of you,sweetheart. bacause i want you to be strong.
as you did in many ways"

-that's all i found,from my father's eyes.
before he (really-really) go-

january 31,2009 12:58 a.m